Friday, May 3, 2013

My Petition/More Survey Work

Hey, all! I've been promoting it on Facebook a lot, but if you haven't seen it, I started a petition fairly recently titled "Speak for America's Dogs (and stop puppy mills)". It's on a widget to the right. I'm very pleased with the progress it's made in such a short time, but the signatures are really slowing down. I am sure that, if you are not already, you will eventually get sick of my saying this, but if you have time, please sign it and pass it on to your friends!

I will admit that I am feeling a bit disheartened, but this is important to me and I won't let all those puppies down. If this one fails, if this one crashes and burns, I'll do more work and start up a new one. And I'll do this until it works, or until I die. Or until I give up. One of those three, but hopefully the first one. And I won't give up until I've done it a hundred times.

We're planning on doing another survey some time during May. It'll be slightly different questions this time. I may also put some business cards in a small envelope with the flyers of good pet stores ("good pet store" meaning it doesn't sell animals or only sells rescued/shelter animals). The flyer definitely needs some improvement, too.

We had some other ideas, too, such as putting a five dollar gift card to one of the stores in a few random envelopes. I originally wanted to do a five-dollar gift card to a good pet store in all of them, but unfortunately we're not rich enough! 

If you have any suggestions for anything, I'd really love to hear them! 

P.S., I will no longer be putting "by Mira P." for any articles - they will now all be written by me.