Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy Holidays!

 by Mira P.

Hello, everyone! Well, New Years is right around the corner, and then the holidays for 2012 are over. How was your guy's holidays? Which holidays do you celebrate? 

For Christmas for us this year, we got all of our pets some gifts. I don't think the rats knew what was happening (and they slept most of Christmas day), but Daxter, our dog, was very happy with his turn-out. 

We got Daxter a bone, a Kong toy (the type where you stick a treat inside of it and the dog has to dig it out - Daxter goes crazy for them!), some filler for the toy, and some Christmas dog cookies. He was really happy, and he ran around all day afterwards, sniffing to see if anything else was for him. Our grandmother came over later and gave him two squeak toys and a ball, so his Christmas was definitely very good.

For the rats, Buster and Gob, we got a new blanket for their cage (they love blankets), some bad rat treats (only at Christmastime!) that I'm pretty sure Buster likes . . . I don't think Gob knows what to do with them, and finally, some balls. They aren't really a fan of the balls, which I'm almost glad for, because the balls make a lot of noise. My small animals have never enjoyed their toys; our guinea pigs don't like any chew toys or other types, my first hamster, Rosetta, NEVER liked any toy or chewy thing I gave her (and then she chewed on the bars of her cage at night) and now the rats! I need some fun animals.

We didn't get much for the guinea pigs, just some blocks of timothy hay. I'm unfortunately allergic to them, so I didn't go back in to see if they liked it, but they seemed very interested when I first plopped them in there with them. My mother is allergic to the hay, so I did it instead of her.

Are you guys excited for 2013? It still feels weird to me - I feel like it just turned into 2012! Which is unusual, since, being the twelve-year-old, I'm generally not the one who thinks that. I'm glad the world didn't end! Haha.

So, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season, a wonderful end of year and a wonderful new year. 2013 - wow!

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